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- January 28, 2025
Medicaid is Health Care for Nearly 80 Million Individuals and Families
Read moreEarlier this month, during his Senate Finance Committee confirmation hearing, Scott Bessent, now President Trump's Treasury secretary, evaded clear answers on proposed Medicaid cuts. Despite assurances that the President's agenda would not reduce health care programs, Bessent, like many in Trump's circle, refused to confirm that there would be…
- January 27, 2025
President Trump’s Day One Actions Threaten Medicaid and the ACA
Read moreOn the first day of his second Administration, President Trump issued numerous executive orders, including one that revoked a myriad of President Biden’s executive orders. These included several Biden-era orders related to implementation of the Medicaid Act and Affordable Care Act (ACA). President Trump instructed the Directors of the…
- January 21, 2025
Protecting Medicaid: Finding and Working with Allies
Read moreMedicaid is squarely in the crosshairs of the incoming Trump administration and 119th Congress. With a simple majority vote, Republicans can make substantial changes to Medicaid using the budget reconciliation process. Past proposals again being discussed include radically restructuring Medicaid financing through block grants or per capita caps. Other…
- January 14, 2025
Proposed Medicaid Work Requirements are Another Dangerous Attack on Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Access (Updated)
Madeline Morcelle Abortion, Health Equity, Medicaid Defense 2025, Protect Medicaid 2023, SRH Health EquityRead moreThe year is 2025, and sexual and reproductive health care access is under attack on all fronts. Millions of people across the country, and especially people of color with low incomes, are losing access to abortion, pregnancy-related care, gender-affirming care, and medications for chronic conditions. As we face a…
- December 11, 2024
Medicaid Cuts Loom on Universal Health Coverage Day
Read moreDecember 12th is International Universal Health Coverage Day. On this day, advocates around the world remind our governments that universal health coverage—equitable access to affordable, high-quality, comprehensive, and nondiscriminatory health care for all—is a human right. As reflected in the National Health Law Program’s (NHeLP) “Strategic Priorities” and “Universal…
- December 1, 2024
World AIDS Day 2024 – Fight AIDS! Protect Medicaid!
Read moreGerald Lee Joyce died from AIDS at age 43 on February 10, 2017. His sister recounted his final months on The AIDS Memorial, an Instagram account to remember those lost to this terrible disease that continues to take some 20,000 lives in the U.S. every year. Gerald had no…