Fairness in Automated Decision-Making Systems

Algorithms and other automated decision-making systems (ADS) are omnipresent features of Medicaid. ADS make decisions about eligibility and services that greatly impact whether people get the services they need and for which they are eligible. Enrollees often do not understand ADS has made the decision or how, which may violate fundamental constitutional protections. From NHeLP’s decades-long experience working to stop harm from ADS in Medicaid, we know that ADS are rarely, if ever, going to be perfect. Not only because humans are involved at every level of ADS design, programming, and policies, but also because Medicaid enrollees are a diverse population and health care has endemic institutional biases that are frequently embedded in the ADS. NHeLP advocates for effective safety nets around ADS to ensure that when they fail a person can identify that a system was used, what the error was, and remedy that error so they may receive their needed benefits. For more details, see our Principles for Fairer, More Responsive ADS, blog series about ADS in Medicaid, and our other resources.

Primary Automated Decision-Making Resources

Recent Automated Decision-Making Resources

Learn more about our Benefits Tech Advocacy Hub

The Benefits Tech Advocacy Hub is a project with our partners to create a community of battle-tested advocates who fight algorithm-based and technology-enabled cuts to public benefits and foster collective efforts to promote public benefits systems that meet people’s basic needs.

Blogs and Analysis

Cases involving Automated Decision-Making Systems

Meet the Legal and Policy Experts working on ADS

Elizabeth Edwards
View Elizabeth Edwards's Profile

Elizabeth Edwards

Senior Attorney

Elizabeth Edwards is a Senior Attorney in the National Health Law Program’s North Carolina offices. In addition to working…

Sarah Grusin
View Sarah Grusin's Profile

Sarah Grusin

Senior Attorney

Area(s) of Expertise: Due Process, Immigrant Access to Care, Algorithms and Computer Systems, 1115 Waivers, Court Access and Private…

 Cassandra LaRose
View Cassandra LaRose's Profile

Cassandra LaRose

Staff Attorney – Pronouns: She/her/hers

Cassandra LaRose is a staff attorney at our North Carolina office, working on the National Health Law Program’s efforts…

David Machledt
View David Machledt's Profile

David Machledt

Senior Policy Analyst

David Machledt is a Senior Policy Analyst in the National Health Law Program’s Washington, D.C. offices. His work at…

Jane Perkins
View Jane Perkins's Profile

Jane Perkins

Litigation Director | Senior Advisor to the Executive Director

Jane Perkins is the National Health Law Program Litigation Director and Senior Advisor to the Executive Director. As such,…

Skyler Rosellini
View Skyler Rosellini's Profile

Skyler Rosellini

Assistant Director of California Policy

Skyler Rosellini (he/him) is the Assistant Director of California Policy at the National Health Law Program in Los Angeles,…