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- January 8, 2024
Accessing Contraceptives in Florida: A Toolkit for Young Adults
Christina Piecora, Liz McCaman Taylor, Madeline Morcelle, Kally Xu, Andrea Schmidt, Logan Foster, and Charlotte Cassel ToolkitRead moreThis Toolkit was created in partnership with the Florida Health Justice Project (FHJP) with the goal of equipping young adults with knowledge on their right to contraceptive access in Florida. It covers the basics of health insurance, the Affordable Care Act’s coverage and nondiscrimination protections, understanding key insurance documents,…
- August 29, 2023
Resources for California Foster Youth: Sexual, Reproductive, and Mental Health Medi-Cal Services
Read moreCurrent and former foster youth in the Medi-Cal program have access to a broad array of reproductive, sexual, and mental health services. Working with the National Center for Youth Law, the National Health Law Program has developed a suite of infographics and factsheets aimed at helping foster youth better understand…
- January 31, 2022
Gender-Affirming Care for Youth is Still Good Health Care
Read moreLast year we wrote that “Laws should not serve as a weapon to criminalize and discriminate against our transgender and gender-expansive youth by preventing access to the health services they need. . . . Now is the time stand up for transgender and gender-expansive youth.” Unfortunately, legislators in…
- September 10, 2018
Health Care Coverage for Pregnant and Parenting Teens in California
Read moreIntroductionTeens who become pregnant face a different set of challenges when accessing and receiving health care services as compared to adults who become pregnant. Teens may be uncertain how to obtain health care services related to their pregnancies. They may also need confidentiality, financial assistance, or information on whether…
- July 20, 2015
State Recommendations to Include Sexuality Education in Health Care Delivery
Jamille Fields Issue BriefRead moreThis brief outlines recommendations that advocates can use to encourage their states to include sexuality education in health care delivery. As discussed within the brief, the medical screening that youth receive has not sufficiently included sexuality education. Sexuality education provided during health care delivery presents the opportunity for personalized…
- October 14, 2014
Health Advocate: EPSDT Screening: Including Sexuality Education in Health Education
Read moreUnder Medicaid and some Children's Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), youth are eligible to receive the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, which includes coverage for medical screening. Federal law requires each screen to include five required components. One component is age-appropriate health education, which should include…