Protect Medicaid Funding series

Medicaid helps people live healthier and more economically secure lives. It increases the diagnosis and early treatment of chronic conditions, enhances educational achievement and future earnings for covered children, reduces health care inequities, and provides comprehensive, high-quality, and cost-effective care. Medicaid coverage is tailored to the unique needs of individuals and families with low incomes but still costs less per beneficiary than private insurance. Medicaid’s core beneficiary protections make the program work for enrolled populations, including children, parents, pregnant people, low-income workers, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Despite Medicaid’s proven success and efficient use of funds, detractors repeatedly seek to cut or cap funding for the program. These proposals seriously jeopardize the health and financial security of the 83.3 million people who benefit from Medicaid and CHIP.

In an updated series of fact sheets, NHeLP outlines the importance of Medicaid related to various populations groups and services Medicaid covers. In particular, the fact sheets focus on how funding caps in particular would impact Medicaid. The data from the “Medicaid Fast Facts” document and information from the 14 fact sheets emphasize the vital nature Medicaid plays in ensuring the health of those enrolled as well as their communities and states. A companion blog to this series can be found here.

Medicaid Fast Facts

Issue #1: Medicaid Services

Issue #2: Affordability

Issue #3: Enrollment and Continuity

Issue #4: Access to Providers

Issue #5: Children’s Health

Issue #6: Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Issue #7: Access to Reproductive and Sexual Health Care

Issue #8: Pregnant People

Issue #9: People with HIV

Issue #10: Substance and Opioid Use Disorders

Issue #11: Health Inequities

Issue #12: LGBTQI+ Individuals

Issue # 13: Work Requirements Hurt the U.S. Workforce

Issue #14: Work Requirements Hurt State Budgets


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