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- June 12, 2024
Fact Sheet Exhaustion, Abstention, Preclusion: Considerations for Filing Fair Hearings
Read moreMedicaid applicants and beneficiaries have a choice of forum when eligibility or services are denied, terminated, or reduced. They have the right to a state administrative hearing to challenge a denial, termination, or reduction of eligibility or services, with a right to appeal an adverse decision to state court.…
- September 18, 2023
EPSDT’s Legal Landscape & Implementation History
Amanda Avery and Jane Perkins Regulations and Laws, Case Explainer, Fact Sheet, Health Advocate, Court DocumentRead moreThis Fact Sheet provides essential information to help advocates become EPSDT experts. After giving an overview to EPSDT, we focus on: (1) legislative milestones; (2) notable federal agency guidance; and (3) precedent-setting cases from the judiciary. Next, we provide a snapshot of states’ performance implementing EPSDT, using government reports…
- September 28, 2022
Summary of Amicus Briefs Supporting Ivanka Talevski in Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County v. Talevski (No. 21-806)
Jane Perkins, Amanda Avery, and Erica Turret* Case Explainer, Fact Sheet, Court DocumentRead moreThe Supreme Court is deciding whether individuals can enforce the Medicaid Act through 42 USC 1983. Section 1983 has been the primary method for individuals to enforce the Act for more than 40 years. Losing this right would be a tremendous blow to individual enforcement and government accountability. Last…