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- January 6, 2025
Best Practices for Medicaid Secret Shopper Survey Implementation
Read moreNetwork adequacy has long been a challenge in Medicaid managed care. According to one 2023 survey, 1 in 3 Medicaid enrollees report that in the past year an in-network provider they needed to see did not have available appointments. To address these challenges, the 2024 Managed Care Access final…
- September 18, 2024
Protect Medicaid Funding series
Amy Chen, Jasmine Young, David Machledt, Michelle Yiu, Alicia Emanuel, Jules Lutaba, Wayne Turner, Emma Parker-Newton, Dania Douglas, Madeline Morcelle, Mara Youdelman, Héctor Hernández-Delgado, Alexis Robles-Fradet, Charly Gilfoil, and Rolonda DonelsonRead moreMedicaid helps people live healthier and more economically secure lives. It increases the diagnosis and early treatment of chronic conditions, enhances educational achievement and future earnings for covered children, reduces health care inequities, and provides comprehensive, high-quality, and cost-effective care. Medicaid coverage is tailored to the unique needs of…
- June 3, 2024
Section 1557 Final Rule Explicitly Addresses Intersectional Discrimination for the First Time
Read moreWhat is Intersectionality?Intersectionality, a theory created by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, describes how an individual's multitude of identities intersect to create unique ways they experience oppression or discrimination. Crenshaw’s original framing of intersectionality centered the experiences of Black women, who were often erased by feminist theory and antiracist policy because…
- May 17, 2024
HHS Final Rule Expands Marketplace and Basic Health Program Coverage for DACA Recipients by Correcting Unjust Exclusion
Read moreAfter twelve years of arbitrarily excluding recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) from affordable health coverage, HHS recently finalized a rule to correct this unjust exclusion.Since 2012, DACA recipients have been treated unequally under the law, barred from accessing CMS insurance affordability programs unlike other recipients of…
- April 30, 2024
Medicaid Continuous Coverage Unwinding: Messaging and Outreach Resources
Read moreState Medicaid agencies are beginning to unwind the Medicaid continuous coverage provisions enacted in early 2020 to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. With some states having begun terminations of coverage as early as April 1, 2023, advocates have an important role to play in messaging and outreach to prepare…
- April 24, 2024
Secret Shopper Surveys: A Powerful Tool for Directly Testing Medicaid Managed Care Enrollees’ Access to Care
Read moreFor many Americans, accessing health care can be deeply frustrating, stressful, and confusing. While individuals may face various problems when navigating insurance and the health care system at-large, the initial task of scheduling an appointment with an in-network provider should arguably be the most straightforward. However, according to a…