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  • Sexuality Education in Health Care Delivery for Medicaid and CHIP-Eligible Youth

    Jamille Fields

    This issue brief discusses the health education component of the EPSDT medical screens required for Medicaid and some CHIP-eligible youth, focusing on sexuality education. As discussed within the brief, the medical screening that youth receive has not sufficiently included sexuality education. This issue brief includes recommendations to ensure that…

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  • Coverage of Pregnant Women in California

    This chart shows pregnant women's current and future financial eligibility thresholds for Medi-Cal and advance premium tax credits in California.

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  • Q&A Deference

    Advocates may wish to argue that courts should defer to agency interpretations in proposed, but not final, regulation. This Q&A provides a basic overview of deference and discusses court decisions addressing the extent to which courts should defer to proposed regulations.

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  • Lessons from CA: Pregnant Women’s Coverage Options

    The ACA made many positive changes in health coverage for pregnant women. Many women now qualify for both pregnancy-related Medicaid and financial assistance in the Marketplace. In this month's, Lessons from California, we highlight how NHeLP worked with California advocates to provide comprehensive Medi-Cal coverage for pregnant women, including…

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  • Promoting Community Living: Updates on HCBS & the ACA

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) significantly expands Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) in the Medicaid program. Four HCBS programs - two brand new - promote and fund policies that help beneficiaries access needed services in the community and facilitate appropriate transitions from nursing homes to integrated settings. (1) Two…

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  • External Quality Review: An Overview

    Part of the overall quality strategy mandated by the Medicaid Act and regulations requires states to include annual independent external quality reviews (EQRs) in each managed care contract. This approach requires an independent organization to validate state selected performance measures, perform site visits and "otherwise evaluate the performance of…

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