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  • County Organized Health System Medi-Cal Plans

    In certain counties, Medi-Cal managed care is operated by a single County Organized Health System (COHS). In COHS counties, a single plan serves all Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are enrolled in managed care. Unlike other Medi-Cal managed care plans, COHS plans are not required to obtain Knox Keene licensure for…

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  • Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions, Issue 4

    Our new Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions Series features our set of modernized model federal regulations. Each issue provides model provisions addressing problems that policymakers and advocates may use when updating existing regulations, policies and managed care contracts.  In this issue, we address accessibility and language access.

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  • Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions, Issue 3

    Abbi Coursolle and

    Our new Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions Series features our set of modernized model federal regulations. Each issue provides model provisions addressing problems that policymakers and advocates may use when updating existing regulations, policies and managed care contracts.  In this issue, we address network adequacy.

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  • Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions, Issue 2

    Our new Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions Series features our set of modernized model federal regulations. Each issue provides model provisions addressing problems that policymakers and advocates may use when updating existing regulations, policies and managed care contracts.  In this issue, we address enrollment and disenrollment rights.

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  • Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions, Issue 1

    Our new Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions Series features our set of modernized model federal regulations. Each issue breaks provides model provisions addressing problems that policymakers and advocates may use when updating existing regulations, policies and managed care contracts.  In this issue, we address grievances and appeals.

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  • Managed Care & Older Adults Series, Issue 1

    Elderly African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to have lower incomes and poor health status and to live with multiple chronic health conditions than their white counterparts. This paper provides background information and data on the health status of low-income seniors of color and summarizes the critical ingredients…

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