Defending Medicaid Archive

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results in Defending Medicaid.
  • NHeLP Amicus Brief: Planned Parenthood v. Selig (8th Cir.)

    Brief of the National Health Law Program, American Public Health Association, Center for Reproductive Rights, National Women's Law Center, National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, and Sexuality Education and Information Council of the U.S. (SEICUS) as amici…

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  • Medicaid Access Metrics RFI Response

    Abbi Coursolle

    This is NHeLP's response to a Request For Information (RFI) released by HHS to identify metrics for access to care in Medicaid.

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  • NHeLP Equal Access Regulation Comments

    Abbi Coursolle, Leo Cuello, and

    Medicaid law requires states to make payments to providers that promote quality and equal access to care for Medicaid enrollees. HHS published regulations implementing those legal requirements. NHeLP's comments suggest ways HHS can improve the regulations to better improve quality and access.

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  • Health Consumer Alliance Letter to California Department of Health Services

    Abbi Coursolle and Kim Lewis

    The HCA commends DHCS for expanding the utilization policy to increase the number of people living with hepatitis C who are eligible for treatment through Medi-Cal. This draft makes several important changes to the previous policy, including recognizing that treatment is often clinically appropriate for people with less-advanced stages…

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  • Amicus Brief: Wheaton College v. Burwell

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    NHeLP, American Public Health Association, National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, National Women's Health Network, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Los Angeles, Ipas, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS), Black Women's Health…

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  • Amicus Brief: Scott v. Burwell

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    NHeLP and Florida Legal Services (FLS) amicus brief in Scott v. Burwell, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Florida, Florida Community Health Action Information Network (CHAIN), and FLS. The brief argues in support of HHS Secretary Burwell's clear authority to have discretion on whether to deny…

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