Sexual & Reproductive Health: Assisted Reproduction

Assisted reproduction (AR) refers to treatments, interventions, or procedures that are intended to cause or assist in causing pregnancy through means other than by sexual intercourse. Assisted reproduction is important to the National Health Law Program because it stands at the intersection of many different facets of our work: reproductive health, rights, and justice, disability rights and justice, LGBTQI+ health, and health equity. Those who will most benefit from comprehensive, rights-based AR policies or laws are low-income, Black, Indigenous and other people of color, LGBTQI+, disabled, and other historically oppressed communities. As such, NHeLP has developed a set of principles to guide its advocacy work on assisted reproduction. Our staff responds to individual requests for technical assistance and support from state advocates who provide direct services to people around the country. We also receive technical assistance requests related to potential legislation that would mandate coverage of certain AR interventions in various states and in the United States Congress.

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