Services: Substance Use Disorder Services

Medicaid is the single largest source of coverage for individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) in the U.S. and an important tool in the nation’s fight against the drug overdose epidemic. Through Medicaid, states can provide comprehensive coverage for services to prevent and treat alcohol, opioid, and stimulant use disorders, among others. These services range from screening for unhealthy drug use, behavioral health therapy, medications for substance use disorders, and crisis services, to support services that seek to improve the living conditions of people with SUD, such as peer support, case management, and coordination of health and social services.

NHeLP’s Services Practice Area works to advance policies that expand the range of SUD services offered to Medicaid beneficiaries. Our efforts are aimed at increasing access to evidence-based, culturally-competent SUD services at the most appropriate levels of care. We advocate for expanded availability and affordability of methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment and the overdose-reversal medication naloxone and for the removal of financial restrictions on coverage of SUD services. Our team also engages in advocacy and education of state advocates and stakeholders to shape and advance policies that connect children and adolescents with appropriate SUD services, understanding that the EPSDT requirements extend to prevention and treatment of behavioral health conditions.

26 results in Substance Use Disorder Services.