Op-ed: Why We Need to Let Southern Social Justice Activists Lead

Executive Summary

NHeLP senior attorney Madeline Morcelle published an op-ed with Rewire News Group on being a good partner to Southern social justice advocates. Drawing on her experiences across the South and at the national level, Morcelle recognizes that the people closest to the problems are often closest to the solutions—and offers her perspective on harmful power dynamics that can show up between national social justice organizations and Southern advocates. Morcelle argues for a shift from a top-down approach to one rooted in genuine partnership, where national social justice organizations ask what our Southern partners need to advance their vision instead of making assumptions, listen deeply, and then follow through.

To read the Rewire News Group op-ed click on this link: https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2024/09/17/why-we-need-to-let-southern-social-justice-activists-lead/

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