Analysis of Graham-Cassidy
Top 10 Threats to Women’s Reproductive Health Under the Graham-Cassidy Bill
Top 10 Threats to People With Disabilities Under the Graham-Cassidy Bill
Top 10 Changes to Medicaid Under the Graham-Cassidy Bill: Implications for CA
Top 10 Changes to Medicaid Under the Graham-Cassidy Bill
Why Graham-Cassidy Is a Disaster For Reproductive Health and an Assault on Reproductive Justice
NHeLP “Health Advocate Blogs” on Graham-Cassidy
What’s at Stake for Medicaid in the Graham-Cassidy Proposal
Sens. Graham and Cassidy Lead Disingenuous, Ignoble Campaign to Destroy the ACA and Medicaid
NHeLP Letters to the Senate Regarding Graham-Cassidy
NHeLP Statement to U.S. Senate Finance Committee on Graham-Cassidy Proposal
NHeLP Letter to Senate Leaders Urges Rejection of Graham-Cassidy Bill
Analysis of BCRA
Children of the Opioid Crisis (07/2017)
Senate ACA Repeal Bill Allows States to Erode Affordable, Comprehensive Coverage (07/2017)
Top 10 Changes to Medicaid Under Senate’s ACA Repeal Bill (Updated) (07/2017)
Top 10 Changes to Medicaid Under Senate’s ACA Repeal Bill: California Implications (Updated) (07.2017)
Top 10 Changes to Medicaid Under The Senate’s ACA Repeal Bill: Implications for California (06/2017)
Top 10 Threats to Women’s Reproductive Health Under the Senate’s Bill to Repeal the Affordable Care Act: Implications for California (06/2017)
Top 10 Threats to Women’s Reproductive Health Under the Senate’s ACA Repeal Bill with accompanying infographic (06/2017)
Detrimental Effects of Allowing States to Waive the Essential Health Benefits (06/2017)
Threats to Medicaid
Medicaid EPSDT Litigation Trends (08/2017)
How Per Capita Caps Harm the Prevention and Treatment of New Viruses (06/2017)
Medicaid Per Capita Caps: A Cut in Sheep?s Clothing (06/2017)
Medicaid Work Requirements – Not A Healthy Choice (03/2017)
Medicaid Work Requirements – Legally Suspect (03/2017)
Evaluating Medicaid Block Grants and Per Capita Cap Proposals (03/2017)
Indiana Medicaid Demonstration Raises Concerns (02/2017)
Q&A: How Upcoming Efforts to Transform Medicaid Could Affect Abortion Coverage (02/2017)
Fact Sheet: What is a per capita cap? (12/2016)
Fact Sheet: Per Capita Caps vs. Block Grants in Medicaid (12/2016)
Importance of Medicaid
Innovative Solutions for Medicaid (06/2017)
The Faces of Medicaid Expansion: Filling Gaps in Coverage (05/2017)
How Medicaid Expansion Benefits Maternal and Child Health (04/2017)
Waivers of Medicaid Requirements – A Quick Review (04/2017)
Background to Medicaid and Section 1115 of the Social Security Act (04/2017)
EPSDT is Essential (03/2017)
Medicaid: Real Insurance With Real Results (03/2017)
Medicaid – Fast Facts (03/2017)
Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act: Vital Tools in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic (02/2017)
50 Reasons Medicaid Expansion is Good for Your State (01/2017)
The Importance of National Coverage Standards in Medicaid (01/2017)
Our What Makes Medicaid, Medicaid? series explores fundamental aspects of the Medicaid program.
Access (03/2017)
Consumer Protections and Due Process (03/2017)
Affordability (03/2017)
Medicaid Services (03/2017)
NHeLP “Health Advocate Blog”
Protect Our Care Blog Series, examining the impact of congressional plans to repeal ACA and drastically cut Medicaid
School Districts Hit Hard Under Proposed Medicaid Cuts
Republicans’ Bill Would Threaten Health of Fathers
Proposal to Repeal the Affordable Care Act and Cut Medicaid Threaten HIV Care
How Repealing ACA & Cutting Medicaid Would Endanger Health Care for Aging Individuals
Republican Proposal to Repeal ACA and Cut Medicaid Would Harm Rural Towns
Congressional Effort to Repeal ACA & Cut Medicaid Would Worsen the Opioid Epidemic
ACA Repeal Would Devastate State Economies & Cause Millions to Lose Jobs
Threats to Public Health in ACA Repeal: Spotlight on Youth Suicide Prevention
Decades of Progress in Children’s Health Care Threatened by Proposed Medicaid Cuts
How Proposed Health Care Cuts Would Harm Care for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
‘Carve Outs’ Cannot Make Medicaid Per Capita Caps Work
Per Capita Caps: The Devil is in the Details
Per Capita Caps? Growth Rate: Leaving States in the Dark
Hey Medicaid, There’s a Bridge I Want to Sell You!
BCRA’s Three Strikes for States
The Senate Bill to Repeal the Affordable Care Act Hurts Low-Income, Women of Color
BCRA Threatens Mental Health Parity, Access to Coverage, and Benefits
Consumer Protections at Risk in Senate’s ACA Repeal Bill
How BCRA Would Harm Public Health and Preventative Care
BCRA Public Health Consequences: HIV as a Case Study
How BCRA Would Harm Public Health and Preventative Care
BCRA 2.0 – Some (Minor) Changes but End Result is Still Death Blow for Medicaid
Despite Setback to BCRA, Senate Leader Pivots to Repeal ACA, Delay Replacement
BCRA’s Opioid Fund is a Cruel Gimmick – Senators Should Not Fall For It
Children of the Opioid Crisis
‘Skinny’ Repeal is a Door That Must Not be Opened
Repro Health Advocates Urge CA Congressional Delegation to Stop Repeal of ACA & Medicaid Cuts
General Blog Posts
The Fight to Save Progressive Health Care Reform from Misguided Policy and Administrative Actions
A Personal Story from Alaska – Why Medicaid Matters
Lessons from CA: Amended ACA Repeal Bill’s Medicaid Cuts Still Disastrous for California
Now is the Time to Stand for Medicaid? Why We Fight to Save It
Medicaid is Integral to Children with Complex Health Care Needs
Our Protect Medicaid Funding series focuses on funding caps and details the potential impact funding caps could have on the health and financial security of various important Medicaid populations.
Issue #1 – Children’s Health (12/2016)
Issue #2 – Women’s Health (12/2016)
Issue #3 – Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities (12/2016)
Issue #4 – Medicaid Services (12/2016)
Issue #5 – Affordability (12/2016)
Issue #6 – Health Disparities (12/2016)
Issue #7 – Women Living with HIV (12/2016, updated 02/2017)
Issue #8 – Enrollment and Continuity (12/2016)
Issue #9 – Access to Providers (12/2016)
Issue #10 – Substance and Opioid Use Disorders (12/2016)
Issue #11 – Pregnant Women (02/2017)
Importance of the ACA
Threats to the Affordable Care Act and Women’s Reproductive Health (02/2017)
Congressional Efforts to Repeal the ACA Will Harm Victims of Black Lung (02/2017)
Helping Those On HCBS Waiting Lists: Positive Impacts of the ACA (02/2017)
The Importance of Essential Health Benefits in the Private Market (01/2017)
Ten Ways the Affordable Care Act Helps Older Adults and People with Disabilities (01/2017)
California Specific Material
Our Protect Medi-Cal Funding series focuses on funding caps and details the potential impact federal funding caps could have on the health and financial security of various important Medi-Cal populations.
Issue #1 – Children’s Health (05/2017)
Issue #2 – Women’s Health (05/2017)
Issue #3 – Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities (05/2017)
Issue #4 – Medi-Cal Services (05/2017)
Issue #5 – Medi-Cal Affordability (06/ 2017)
Issue #6 – Health Disparities (06/2017)
Issue #7 – Women Living with HIV (06/2017)
Issue #8 – Enrollment and Continuity of Coverage (07/2017)
Issue #9 – Access to Providers (07/2017)
Issue #10 – Substance and Opioid Use Disorders (07/2017)
Issue #11 – Pregnant Women’s Health Care (08/2017)
Q&A on Non-Medical Transportation and Reproductive Health Services (08/2017)
12-Part “Protect Medi-Cal Funding” Blog Series (companion of the Protect Medi-Cal Funding Issue Briefs)
Why Medicaid Cuts Would Harm Health Care for California’s Children
Medi-Cal Cuts Will Harm Health Care for Women In California
Medi-Cal is Critical for Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities
Medi-Cal Cuts Will Eliminate or Reduce Access to Necessary Services
Medicaid Cuts Would Undermine Medi-Cal’s Ability to Provide Affordable Care to Calif.’s Most Vulnerable People
Proposed Medicaid Cuts Would Endanger Calif.’s Ability to Address Health Disparities
Senate’s Effort to Gut Medicaid Threatens Calif.’s Ability to Provide Care for Women Living With HIV
Republican Policy to Slash Medicaid Funding Would Endanger Calif.’s Enrollment and Coverage Protections
Senate Effort to Gut Medicaid Imperils Calif.’s Effort to Ensure Access to Health Care Providers
Cuts to Medi-Cal Funding Would Hit Individuals Affected by the Opioid Epidemic
Medi-Cal Cuts Will Harm Pregnant Women in California
Our Lessons from California series focuses on the importance of Medicaid and the ACA from a California perspective.
January 2017: CA Uses Legislation to Defend the ACA and Medicaid
February 2017: Streamlined Eligibility Technology Changes At Risk if the ACA is Repealed/Replaced
March 2017: Congress’ ACA Repeal/Replace Bill Would Have Harmed Low-Income Californians; Threats Are Not Over
April 2017: Amended ACA Repeal Bill’s Medicaid Cuts Still Disastrous for California
Analysis of other ACA Replacement Proposals
Nine Things to Know About the Cassidy-Collins ‘Replacement’ (01/2017)
Analysis of AHCA
Top Ten Changes to Medicaid Under House Republicans’ ACA Repeal Bill (updated 06/2017)
Threats to Public Health Under the American Health Care Act (06/2017)
State Specific Fact Sheets on Per Capita Caps (06/2017)
Threats to Women’s Reproductive Health Under the American Health Care Act with accompanying infographic (05/2017)
Five Facts About the Essential Health Benefits and American Health Care Act (updated 05/2017)
Top Ten Changes to Medicaid Under House Republicans’ ACA Repeal Bill: Implications for California (updated 04/2017)
AHCA’s Block Grant Options and EPSDT (03/2017)
Per Capita Caps In Under the House Republicans’ ACA Repeal Bill (03/2017)
Medicaid Expansion and the Republicans’ ACA Repeal Bill (03/2017)
Analysis of Executive Actions
Q&A: Recent Action Undermines Title X Program and Threatens Women’s Health (05/2017)
What is a “Public Charge” and Does Receipt of Health Benefits Impact It? (02/2017)
Fact Sheet: Executive Orders (01/2017)
Issue Brief: The Impact of Executive Order 13765 on the ACA (01/2017)