Medicaid Expansion is Good for Business

Most businesses — small and large — have embraced health reform. But some businesses have not. These businesses have been concerned about things like payments that health reform may require them to make if they fail to provide adequate health insurance to their employees. But regardless of how the business community may generally feel about those aspects of health reform, the entire business community should support the Medicaid Expansion. Employers stand to benefit from this separate federal funding opportunity for states. Therefore, every employer must make sure that their state doesn?t foolishly reject this federal money. Here is why this funding is so good for business:
  1. No cost, no hassle. The Medicaid Expansion offers states generous federal funding to directly insure 17 million individuals. This coverage is totally separate from any employer payments required by health reform and has no employer contribution or responsibility of any kind. Individuals simply apply for the coverage, get covered, and show up to work insured. It is a boon to employers who could see up to 17 million lower-wage employees insured with no cost or administrative hassle for the employer!
  2. Productive employees. Healthy employees are productive employees. The Medicaid Expansion funding could provide insurance to as many as 17 million lower-wage employees. This medical coverage will help keep these employees healthy, strong, and productive. Timely medical care means less sick days for employees. The coverage will also mean less missed work days taking care of sick family members.
  3. More business. The Medicaid Expansion will pour millions of federal dollars into your state economy. Of course, businesses involved in the health care industry will see an immediate boost. But these dollars will help all state employers. The federal dollars will have a multiplying effect in the state economy by directly stimulating business and spending, putting additional money in the pockets of consumers who will in turn spend more, and generating significant revenue for the state as the state taxes the federal money. Every business and employer in the state stands to gain if the state does not reject the federal funding!

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