Medicaid and SCHIP Reimbursement Models for Language Services

Medicaid and SCHIP Reimbursement Models for Language Services

Executive Summary

In 2000, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminded states that they could include language services as an administrative or optional covered service in their Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs, and thus directly reimburse providers for the costs of these services for program enrollees. Yet only a handful of states are directly reimbursing providers for language services. Currently, the District of Columbia and 13 states (Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming) are providing reimbursement. Three states have initiated discussions about reimbursement. Connecticut enacted legislation requiring reimbursement but they have not yet been implemented. North Carolina expects to provide reimbursement after establishing interpreter credentialing. And a California Task Force established by the Department of Health Services issued recommendations for initiating reimbursement.

*NHeLP recognizes that the term “mental retardation” is offensive, outdated, and harms the disability community. NHeLP generally uses the term “intellectual disability.”  However, this document uses the term “mental retardation” only to accurately conform to the now-outdated version of federal or state law in effect at the time the document was created. Because we have determined that the document provides valuable information not otherwise available, we continue to provide access to it through our website.

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