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- March 19, 2024
Medicaid and CHIP Reimbursement Models for Language Services: 2024 Update
Read moreAccess to language services, such as oral interpreting or written translation services, is critical to enhancing patients’ understanding of and adherence to medical treatments, improving health outcomes, improving quality of care, reducing health care costs, and promoting health equity. Federal law—Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,…
- December 14, 2023
A Quick and Easy Method of Screening for Medicaid Eligibility under the Pickle Amendment: 2024 Update
Read more“A Quick and Easy Method of Screening for Medicaid Eligibility under the Pickle Amendment: 2024 Update” is a screening tool and chart, originally created by Gordon Bonnyman of the Tennessee Justice Center and updated by NHeLP, to determine if clients may be Medicaid eligible under the Pickle Amendment. The…
- September 28, 2023
Foster Youth Access to Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services in the California Counties with the Largest Foster Care Populations
Carly Myers, Alexis Robles-Fradet, Abigail Coursolle, and T. Nancy Lam Guide, Fact Sheet, Manual/Report, Issue BriefRead moreChildren and youth involved in child welfare have complex mental health needs, due in part to their compounding experiences with trauma and often inadequate access to appropriate services. In California, the State’s Medicaid program (Medi-Cal) provides a critical safety net for foster children and youth. Under Medi-Cal, County Mental…
- August 21, 2023
An Advocate’s Guide to Reproductive and Sexual Health in the Medicaid Program (with 2023 Supplement)
Read moreIn 2019, NHeLP published the 2nd Edition of An Advocate’s Guide to Reproductive and Sexual Health in the Medicaid Program (“Guide”). The Guide is designed to familiarize readers with the basics of the Medicaid program and highlight features that support reproductive and sexual health. Since the Guide was first…
- August 1, 2023
Case Explainer: Health & Hospital System of Marion Co., Indiana v. Talevski
Read moreIn Health and Hospital System of Marion County, Indiana v. Talevski, the Supreme Court addressed whether provisions of federal safety net programs can be enforced by individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and, if so, whether individuals can enforce provisions of the Medicaid Nursing Home Reform Act. The…
- July 13, 2023
Renewal Tips of the Day: July 2023
Alicia Emanuel, Elizabeth Edwards, Charly Gilfoil, Sarah Grusin, Miriam Delaney Heard, Cassandra LaRose, Skyler Rosellini, Wayne Turner, Michelle Yiu, Mara Youdelman, and Kimberly Lewis Issue Brief, Article, Fact Sheet, GuideRead moreThe NHeLP Medicaid Continuous Coverage Unwinding Team started sending out a Medicaid Renewal Tip of the Day in March 2023. This document brings those tips together and organizes by subject. As the unwinding period continues, we will continue to update this document. In the interim, advocates can always find…