Eligibility and Enrollment Archive

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results in Eligibility and Enrollment.
  • Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions, Issue 2

    Our new Medicaid Managed Care Model Provisions Series features our set of modernized model federal regulations. Each issue provides model provisions addressing problems that policymakers and advocates may use when updating existing regulations, policies and managed care contracts.  In this issue, we address enrollment and disenrollment rights.

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  • Letter to CMS re: Modernization of Medicaid Managed Care Regulations

    NHeLP has created a set of moderized Medicaid managed care federal regulations.  These revised regulations were shared with the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in the spring of 2014. This cover memo explained the rationale behind those recommended changes.

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  • Managed Care & Older Adults Series, Issue 1

    Elderly African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to have lower incomes and poor health status and to live with multiple chronic health conditions than their white counterparts. This paper provides background information and data on the health status of low-income seniors of color and summarizes the critical ingredients…

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  • Managed Care & Older Adults Series, Issue 2

    As the Medicaid program has evolved to include a greater number of older adults and individuals with disabilities in managed care, many regulations and policies have grown stale and no longer reflect the needs of various covered populations or twenty-first century clinical practices and technological capabilities. This paper contains…

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  • Lessons from CA: Medicaid Estate Recovery

    California is among a limited number of states that recovers against the estates of its Medicaid beneficiaries for more than what is federally required, which has been identified as a barrier to enrollment. This year, California is attempting to address this issue through legislation, which the state legislature passed…

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  • Memorandum in Support of IRS Form 13909 Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint

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    Ground-breaking IRS complaint filed by NHeLP and Florida Legal Services, Inc. against the Jackson Health System, Miami-Dade County's publicly funded health care system, alleging that JHS is violating requirements governing billing and collection policies of non-profit health providers for low-income patients.

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