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- May 30, 2024
The HCBS Settings Rule: Looking Back and Forging Ahead
David Machledt and Syd Pickern Issue Brief, Manual/Report, GuideRead moreThis report from the National Health Law Program and the Community Living Policy Center provides recommendations for the continued implementation of the 2014 Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule after the very lengthy transition phase to implement the new requirements formally ended in 2023. It is based…
- May 23, 2024
[Webinar] Section 504 Final Rule
Read moreHHS recently released updated regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Final Rule strengthens protections against disability discrimination in health care programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including in the areas of medical treatment decision making and providing services in the most integrated setting. NHeLP…
- November 13, 2023
Sign-On Comments on Section 504 NPRM from Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice and Gender Justice Organizations
Read moreThe National Health Law Program, National Partnership for Women and Families, and National Women's Law Center co-authored sign-on comments on the HHS Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR) 2023 proposed rule on § 504 for the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice and gender justice communities. Over 70 sexual…