Waivers and Demonstrations Archive

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results in Waivers and Demonstrations.
  • Medicaid Work Requirements – Not a Healthy Choice

    In an effort to win conservative members' support for the Affordable Care Care Act repeal bill, House Republicans have added a work requirement for Medicaid to the measure. In this issue brief, NHeLP Managing Attorney of the DC office Mara Youdelman,  Legal Director Jane Perkins, and Policy Analyst Ian McDonald…

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  • Indiana Medicaid Demonstration Raises Concerns

    Indiana expanded Medicaid through a demonstration waiver that some have lauded as a "potential model" for other states interested in expanding Medicaid. Senior Policy Analyst David Machledt, examining evaluations of Indiana's so-called Healthy Indiana Program, concludes that the state's Medicaid demonstration, so far, has generated plenty of confusion, but…

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  • Groups Urge Senate to Block Nomination of Rep. Tom Price to Lead HHS

    More than 80 public interest groups urged the Senate to defeat the nomination of Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The groups' letter to the Senate notes that the mission of HHS is to "enhance and protect the health and…

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  • NHeLP Comments to MACRA Regulations

    Leo Cuello

    In comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NHeLP Director of Health Policy Leonardo Cuello recommends that HHS should improve the Medicare and CHIP Reauthorization Act regulations to encourage models of care that will provide consumers with high-quality care, and put less emphasis only on increasing provider risk…

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  • Health Advocate: Medicaid Expansion Section 1115 Demonstrations Update

    Health Policy Director Leonardo Cuello provides updates on the states seeking to expand Medicaid pursuant to the Affordable Care Act, and examines the troubling deviations from Medicaid law that some states are pursuing. As Cuello notes in the August "Health Advocate," the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)…

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  • NHeLP Comments: Arkansas Works 1115 Demonstration

    Leo Cuello

    In comments to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell, NHeLP Director of Health Policy Leonardo Cuello urges HHS to reject Arkansas's proposed application for a Section 1115 demonstration waiver. Cuello notes that the "Arkansas Works Program" would, in part, undermine the state's expansion of Medicaid by…

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