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  • Lessons from California

    Abbi Coursolle

    Decades after being ordered by a state appeals court to adhere to Medicaid law, California's Medicaid agency, Medi-Cal, starting in 2017 will be required by state law to ensure it is providing transportation services to Medicaid beneficiaries, writes Staff Attorney Abbi Coursolle in this month's Lessons from California. Coursolle…

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  • Issue Brief 7: Medicaid Managed Care Final Regulations: BSS

    Senior Attorney Elizabeth Edwards provides analysis and guidance on the updated rule regarding managed care plans in Medicaid, and how it relates to new requirements around beneficiary support systems (BSS). Edwards explains that the updated rule, adopted this year by the U.S. Department of of Health and Human Services…

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  • NHeLP Comments on ACA Proposed Rule on Benefit and Payment Parameters

    NHeLP provides comments on a proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) setting forth payment parameters and provisions related to the risk adjustment program; cost sharing parameters and reductions; user fees for the federally operated and state-based marketplaces; and guidance related to an array…

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  • Issue Brief: A Primer on Reference Pricing & VBID

    Cost sharing is too often a tool that prevents low-income individuals from being able to access quality and timely health care services. Health care experts, however, are exploring other mechanisms, such as Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) and its Reference Pricing ways to address shortcomings of cost sharing. VBID, at…

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  • Comments on the Draft 2017 Letter

    NHeLP provides comments on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) draft letter to issuers in the Federally Facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs). NHeLP provides comment on a number of matters including guidance and suggestions on standardized plan options, on network adequacy of Qualified Health Plans, Essential Community Providers, Discriminatory Benefit…

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  • Health Advocate: States Expand Coverage of Contraception

    States are taking the initiative to bolster federal health care policy intended to provide comprehensive contraceptive coverage, Staff Attorney Agata Pelka writes in the September Health Advocate. Pelka states, "Access to quality, comprehensive health care is critical for women to be equal, participating, and productive members of society." While…

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