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- March 19, 2024
Medicaid and CHIP Reimbursement Models for Language Services: 2024 Update
Read moreAccess to language services, such as oral interpreting or written translation services, is critical to enhancing patients’ understanding of and adherence to medical treatments, improving health outcomes, improving quality of care, reducing health care costs, and promoting health equity. Federal law—Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,…
- February 21, 2024
OCR Complaint: Advocates Urge HHS Office for Civil Rights to Stop Colorado Medicaid Cuts, Citing Disabilities Act Violations
Read moreThe Colorado Center on Law and Policy (CCLP) and the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights and the U.S. Department of Justice. They allege discrimination against individuals with disabilities by Colorado's Medicaid agency, the…
- January 29, 2024
HHS’s 2024 Final Rule on Health Care Refusals: What Health Advocates Need to Know
Read moreFederal health care refusal laws, such as the Weldon Amendment and the Church Amendments, govern when and how covered health care entities, providers, and professionals can refuse to deliver or provide information to patients on medically necessary health care that they find objectionable on the basis of their religious…
- January 10, 2024
Charting Equality: Why Demographic Disability Data is Good for Everyone
Mary Lou Breslin and Silvia Yee Manual/ReportRead moreThis brief covers the basics of demographic disability data collection in health programs - what it means, why it is needed, and how it can be used to improve access to equitable health care for all. We discuss some common myths and stereotypes that likely influence why government and…
- January 8, 2024
Accessing Contraceptives in Florida: A Toolkit for Young Adults
Christina Piecora, Liz McCaman Taylor, Madeline Morcelle, Kally Xu, Andrea Schmidt, Logan Foster, and Charlotte Cassel ToolkitRead moreThis Toolkit was created in partnership with the Florida Health Justice Project (FHJP) with the goal of equipping young adults with knowledge on their right to contraceptive access in Florida. It covers the basics of health insurance, the Affordable Care Act’s coverage and nondiscrimination protections, understanding key insurance documents,…