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- June 28, 2021
Closing The Medicaid Coverage Gap: Preventing a Separate and Unequal Result
Read moreExpanding Medicaid is an urgent moral, anti-racist, health equity, reproductive justice, and economic imperative. Yet today, policymakers in twelve states refuse to do so—a discriminatory political choice intertwined with racism in policymaking. The result is the Medicaid coverage gap: an estimated 4.4 million people with low incomes—nearly all of…
- December 23, 2020
California Policy Needs During and After COVID: Eligibility, Enrollment, and Retention
Read moreThe COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) has fundamentally altered how California’s Medi-Cal program is administered. At the start of the pandemic, the state worked swiftly to seek waivers and other flexibilities of federal Medicaid requirements and to implement these COVID-19 flexibilities, including significant changes intended to streamline Medi-Cal eligibility…
- October 13, 2020
NHeLP response to HHS Request for Information on Guidance Documents
Read moreHHS posted an undated Request for Information (RFI) on its website asking for input on which guidance documents should undergo notice and comment. In this response, NHeLP object to HHSposting the RFI while a formal rulemaking on the same issue is pending. See NHeLP Comments on HHS Proposed Rule…