Charlie Blodnieks

Charlie Blodnieks

Communications Manager

Charlie Blodnieks is the Communications Manager at the National Health Law Program’s DC office. At the core of all of their work, Charlie believes in crafting excellent, principled communications strategies that pay careful attention to the people whose lived experiences drive the work in the first place.

Prior to starting at the National Health Law Program, Charlie served as the Director of Communications at the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) National Office. In this role, they worked alongside activists and organizers to build narrative power for protesters’ rights, racial justice, Indigenous sovereignty, disability justice, trans autonomy, and other progressive movements.

Outside of communications work, Charlie has served as an educator, organizer, and artist in various capacities. Most notably, Charlie co-led a national PPE redistribution effort in the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through MedSupplyDrive, they helped get more than 1 million masks, gloves, and other necessary PPE to under-resourced hospitals, shelters, clinics, and home health aide organizations. Charlie earned their B.A. in English Literature from Columbia University, where they authored a thesis on transgender literary histories.

Charlie was once a professional barista and is now an avid home espresso brewer. They find great joy in helping people discover their favorite coffee roasts and brew methods.

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