Posts tagged with ‘National Health Law Program’

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results in National Health Law Program.
  • Kimberly Lewis

    Managing Director, California Advocacy and Practice Area Managing Director

    Kimberly Lewis is the Managing Director, California Advocacy and Practice Area Managing Director at the National Health Law Program’s Los Angeles offices. Kim works on state and national health care issues, including Medicaid and health reform implementation, by engaging in policy and administrative advocacy, impact litigation and technical assistance…

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  • Wayne Turner

    Senior Attorney

    Area(s) of Expertise: Prescription drugs, Medicaid managed care, eligibility using Modified Adjusted Gross Income, nondiscrimination protections and enforcement.Wayne Turner is a Senior Attorney in the National Health Law Program’s Washington, D.C., offices, where he focuses on access to outpatient prescription drugs, nondiscrimination enforcement, eligibility using Modified Adjusted Gross Income…

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