Florida: YES ON 9 Campaign Applauds Attorney General’s Defense of Amendment 9

June 30, 2010

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YES ON 9 Campaign Applauds Attorney General?s Defense of Amendment 9


(Orlando, FL ? June 30, 2010)?The YES ON 9 Campaign applauded Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum today for his decision to defend the Amendment against a lawsuit that attempts to block it from the November ballot. Amendment 9 seeks to protect Floridians? right to choose their own healthcare by placing that right in the state?s Constitution.
?Florida?s Constitution is a sacred document that outlines the liberties, freedoms, and fundamental rights of Floridians,? said Rep. Scott Plakon (R-Longwood.) ?By defending the right of voters to place healthcare freedom in the Constitution, Attorney General McCollum is upholding a right that Floridians and people across the nation continue to demand in the face of big-government mandates.?
Amendment 9, which has already been vetted by the Florida House and Senate and approved for the ballot according to Article XI and statutory procedure, unequivocally states that no government can mandate a Floridian?s participation in a government healthcare scheme against his or her will. Under the leadership of Sen. Carey Baker (R-Eustis) and Rep. Plakon, the Florida Legislature approved the amendment and it now has over 4,000 citizen co-sponsors.
?Amendment 9 has already won broad-based support across Florida, reflecting the people?s deep distrust of the federal government?s healthcare plan,? said Sen. Baker. ?Small businessegrassroots s, volunteers, medical professionals, and everyday Floridians continue to express their support for healthcare freedom, and we are grateful for Attorney General McCollum?s efforts to ensure that they will have the opportunity to preserve this fundamental right in our Constitution.?
Attorney Mark Herron and Democrat operatives with ties to Organizing for America, MoveOn.org, and other liberal special interest groups filed the lawsuit in Friday. Visit the YES ON 9 Campaign at www.FLHealthcareFreedom.org for additional information.


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