By: Priscilla Huang and Fabiola De Liban
Executive Summary
The National Health Law Program submitted comments to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in response to a proposed rule that would dramatically alter the agency’s eligibility requirements for federal housing assistance based on immigration status. If implemented, the rule would prohibit “mixed-status” families–families with one or more members that have an immigration or citizenship status that is different from other members–from living in public housing and Section 8 units. The rule would also impose onerous and unnecessary citizenship documentation requirements on recipients of housing assistance.
Access to stable and affordable housing is a basic platform for family and community health, well-being, and dignity for all. There are significant links between housing stability and individual and public health. NHeLP’s comments focus on the potentially harmful health impacts of the proposed rule on immigrants, children and people with disabilities in mixed status households and communities of color.