A.M.C. v. Smith, Middle District of Tennessee

Executive Summary

Thirty-five children and adults from across Tennessee brought a class action challenging the State for wrongfully terminating people’s health insurance under Tennessee’s Medicaid program, known as TennCare. The Plaintiffs allege that TennCare’s system for reevaluating eligibility is defective and fails to provide the notice and opportunity for hearing required by the Medicaid Act and the Constitution. They also claim that TennCare’s eligibility redetermination process discriminates against people with disabilities.


Tennessee Justice Center

National Center for Law and Economic Justice

Selendy and Gay, PLLC

Legal Documents:


Plaintiff’s Motion for Class Certification

Memorandum in Support of Motion for Class Certification

Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Brief in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss

Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Class Certification

Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Reply in Further Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Class Certification

Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss

Reply in Further Support of Plaintiff’s Preliminary Injunction

Defendant’s Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss

Defendant’s Brief in support of Motion to Dismiss

Plaintiffs’ Memo in support of Class Certification

Plaintiffs’ Memo in support of Preliminary Injunction

Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

Defendant’s Reply in support of Motion to Dismiss

Defendant’s Response to Class Certification

Defendant’s Response to Preliminary Injunction

Order Denying Motion to Dismiss

Amended Complaint

Defendant’s Supplemental Brief on Class Certification and Preliminary Injunction

Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief on Class Certification and Preliminary Injunction

Defendant’s Supplemental Reply on Class Certification and Preliminary Injunction

Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Reply on Class Certification and Preliminary Injunction

Order on Class Certification and Preliminary Injunction

Plaintiffs’ Response to Motion for Summary Judgment

Opinion Denying Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment

Plaintiffs’ Post-Trial Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law


Last Updated: 8/29/2024

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