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results in Litigation & Enforcement.
  • U.S.C. Center for Health Journalism et al. v. Local Health Initiative, Los Angeles Superior Court

    Litigation Team

    In this case, two Centers at the University of Southern California requested public records on provider performance from L.A. Care, the largest publicly operated Medicaid plan in the country. L.A. Care provided the records but heavily redacted them. Represented by NHeLP and USC's Gould School of Law, the Centers…

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  • AMICUS: Fain v. Crouch, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

    Litigation Team

    Medicaid beneficiaries challenged a West Virginia policy excluding coverage of gender-affirming surgery. The district court granted summary judgment for the plaintiffs, and the State appealed. NHeLP and the Center for Medicare Advocacy filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs. The brief argues that approval of West Virginia's…

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  • Dekker v. Weida, Northern District of Florida

    Litigation Team

    Four transgender Medicaid beneficiaries filed a lawsuit challenging a Florida regulation that prohibits coverage of medically necessary gender-affirming care. The plaintiffs allege that the discriminatory coverage exclusion violates: 1) the EPSDT requirements in the Medicaid Act; 2) the comparability requirement in the Medicaid Act; 3) Section 1557 of the…

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  • Delegation of Rulemaking Authority in Light of the “Major Questions Doctrine”

    In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court addressed a “particular and recurring problem: agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted.” By a 6-3 majority, the Court held that, when a “major question” is involved, the decision on how to regulate…

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  • C.A. v. Garcia, United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa

    Litigation Team

    Plaintiffs are Medicaid-eligible children with a serious emotional disturbance who need intensive home and community-based services to treat or ameliorate their mental and behavioral health conditions. This class action arises from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services’ longstanding failure to provide the Plaintiff children with these legally-required…

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  • Franklin v. Kinsley, Eastern District of North Carolina

    Litigation Team

    This case was formerly known as Hawkins v. Cohen. Adults and children enrolled in Medicaid filed a class action in North Carolina challenging the State’s policy and practice of making automatic ex parte redeterminations of Medicaid eligibility and terminating Medicaid coverage without providing adequate notice or opportunity for a…

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