Statement on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

Statement on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

“The stakes could not be higher during this 49th anniversary of the landmark case Roe v. Wade. As the Supreme Court will soon decide whether to reverse or severely weaken it, NHeLP is charged with doing everything in its power to protect abortion rights. We continue to proclaim: abortion is health care. At the same time that we advocate for the preservation of Roe, we also know that the case is only the floor for abortion rights and that access has always been limited. As an organization that works on Medicaid and insurance coverage for those with limited means, we know too well that a right is only fulfilled when it is affordable and accessible. No matter the outcome of the upcoming Supreme Court decision, we will continue to protect access to the full range of essential reproductive health services, including abortion, for every single person in the United States.” Fabiola Carrión | Director, Reproductive and Sexual Health

Our Abortion Work: 

Abortion is health care. Period. The National Health Law Program works at every level to protect access to the full range of essential reproductive health services, including abortion, in Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces, and private insurance. Learn more at

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