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  • Protect Medi-Cal Funding Series, Medi-Cal Services

    California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, provides comprehensive health care services to more than 13 million in the state. That care, which includes hospitalization, physician services and preventive screenings for children and adults, is threatened by proposed Medicaid cuts in the so-called American Health Care Act (AHCA), now pending in the…

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  • Medicaid Caps and the Opioid Epidemic

    Medicaid is the largest source of health care coverage for individuals with substance use disorders, NHeLP Staff Attorney Héctor Hernández-Delgado writes in this month's "Health Advocate." He details how slashing Medicaid funding, as proposed in the so-called American Health Care Act (AHCA), would result in millions of individuals losing SUD treatment.…

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  • Lessons from California

    The House Republicans' "American Health Care Act" would have harmed California disproportionately, NHeLP Staff Attorney Alicia Kauk writes in this month's "Lessons from California." She notes,  "As many as 14 million Medi-Cal individuals, 9.3 million who are people of color, stood to lose coverage or significant reductions in services…

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  • Evaluating Medicaid Block Grant & Per Capita Cap Proposals

    As Congress moves forward with consideration of policies to dramatically limit the funding structure of Medicaid, NHeLP Managing Attorney of the DC Office Mara Youdelman provides questions to help in assessing the impact of the forthcoming austerity proposals. "Since the overall goal of Republicans in Congress remains slashing government…

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  • NHeLP Letter Urging Transparency of Efforts to Harm Medicaid & Repeal the ACA

    In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Executive Director Elizabeth G. Taylor urges congressional hearings for any measures to "dramatically change the financing structure of Medicaid," and repeal the Affordable Care Act. The letter notes the vital role Medicaid plays in ensuring 74 million individuals have access to…

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  • Lessons from California

    Kim Lewis

    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded health care coverage to millions of previously uninsured Californians, and also ushered in technological innovations to streamline the state's eligibility and enrollment systems. In February's "Lessons from California," Managing Attorney of the LA Office Kimberly Lewis examines these innovations, and notes that they…

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