Medicaid Archive

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results in Medicaid.
  • Is Repeal of ACA a Done Deal? Hardly.

    In a piece for The National Law Journal, NHeLP Board member and former Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, Jr., and NHeLP Executive Director Elizabeth G. Taylor, explore the tough questions that are not asked of the lawmakers who are leading the charge to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Americans deserve…

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  • Lessons from California: Fighting For Medicaid In 2017

    California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, has significantly bettered the health care of tens of millions of Californians, and any cuts to the program would be devastating, writes NHeLP Staff Attorney Cori Racela in this month's "Lessons from California." The harm to Medi-Cal and statewide health care coverage could occur, Racela notes,…

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  • Protect Medicaid Funding: Substance and Opioid Use Disorders

    and Hector Hernandez-Delgado

    The tenth issue in NHeLP's Protect Medicaid Funding series examines the vital role Medicaid plays in "preventing and treating substance use disorders (SUD)," among the nation's most vulnerable people. The fact sheet also explores how austerity measures embraced by conservative lawmakers and advocates would harm the health of low-income…

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  • Health Advocate: Delivery System Reform & Medicaid Caps

    Leo Cuello

    Efforts to cut or cap Medicaid that are being discussed by members of the new Congress and incoming administration could greatly disrupt delivery system reforms. Such reforms, as noted by Health Policy Director Leonardo Cuello, are designed to improve quality of care and reduce costs.  In December's Health Advocate, Cuello…

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  • Protect Medicaid Funding: Enrollment and Continuity, Issue 8 (Updated Feb. 2017)

    Leo Cuello and

    Medicaid provides proven, tailored health care coverage for low-income individuals and families. NHeLP's Health Policy Director Leonardo Cuello and Senior Policy Analyst David Machledt explain how Medicaid's "core consumer protections make the program work for enrolled populations, including children, parents, pregnant women, low-income workers, older adults, and people with…

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  • Protect Medicaid Funding: Health Disparities, Issue 6

    Leo Cuello, Deborah Reid, and

    This sixth issue in NHeLP's Protect Medicaid Funding series centers on how cutting or capping Medicaid would seriously harm, if not halt, efforts to address widespread health disparities. Home and community based health services pioneered by Medicaid, for example, would likely be cut as states have less federal funds…

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