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results in Health Care Reform.
  • Florida Legal Services’ Screening Tool for Medicaid Expansion Eligibility and A

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    Screening for Eligibility for Medicaid    Expansion/Interested in Advocacy?   Introduction: Under the Affordable Care Act, states have been given the option to expand their  Medicaid programs to cover non-disabled adults without children with incomes up to 138% of  the federal poverty level. We are working…

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  • Medicaid Expansion is Critical for Missouri’s Communities

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    MEDICAID EXPANSION  IS CRITICAL FOR MISSOURI?S COMMUNITIES  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expands the Medicaid program to provide health care for millions of uninsured individuals, mainly low-income adults.  In June, the Supreme Court ruled that States can choose whether to expand their Medicaid programs.  If Missouri…

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  • Tennessee Justice Center – Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children

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    Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children    The new health care law expands the Medicaid program to provide healthcare for millions of uninsured individuals,  primarily parents and low-income adults. The Supreme Court ruled in June that states can choose whether or not to  accept the Medicaid…

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  • Tennessee Justice Center – Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children

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    Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children    The new health care law expands the Medicaid program to provide healthcare for millions of uninsured individuals,  primarily parents and low-income adults. The Supreme Court ruled in June that states can choose whether or not to  accept the Medicaid…

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  • Medicaid Expansion Would Help Missouri’s Homeless

    Medicaid Expansion Would Help Missouri?s HomelessThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) expands the Medicaid program to provide health care for millions of uninsured individuals, mainly low-income adults.  In June, the Supreme Court ruled that states can choose whether to expand their Medicaid programs. If Missouri chooses to expand its Medicaid…

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  • Call Center Perform Stds

    The principles and performance standards described in this report were developed to ensure those who telephone Exchange Call Centers, whether at the FFE or state Exchanges, have a consumer-friendly, successful experience applying for coverage over the telephone. These suggested principles and standards are not intended to be all-inclusive, and…

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