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results in Health Care Reform.
  • Communication and Outreach Strategy Framework for Low Income

    We appreciate this opportunity to give our feedback on the proposed Communication and Outreach Strategy Framework for the LIHP Transition to 2014. On behalf of the Western Center on Law and Poverty, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., Asian Pacific American Legal Center, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, the…

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  • Continuity of Care Framework for the LIHP Transition

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Continuity of Care Framework for theLow Income Health Program Transition that was discussed at the June 28 stakeholder meeting. National Health Law Program and Western Center on Law and Poverty ? on behalf of AIDS Project Los Angeles; Alliance…

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  • Lessons from CA: Pediatric Dental Coverage in the Exchange

    The Affordable Care Act requires that all plans in the Marketplace and non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group markets cover pediatric dental services as an essential health benefit. In this Lessons from California, we explore the options that states have to implement these new requirements, and strategies…

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  • Draft Communication and Outreach Strategy for the LIHP Transition

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Communication and Outreach Strategy for theLow Income Health Program Transition that was discussed on the June 10th Law Program and Western Center on Law and Poverty ? on behalf of AIDS Project Los Angeles; Alliance of Californians for Community…

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  • Medicaid Premiums and Cost Sharing

    This brief reviews the literature on the impact of premiums and cost sharing on enrollment, service utilization, and health status. It focuses particularly on how the research consensus fits with the flexibility Medicaid law gives states to establish premiums and cost sharing. It also highlights changes brought about by…

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  • California Health Benefit Exchange 2012-2013 Draft

    We are writing on behalf of the Health Consumer Alliance (HCA), a statewide collaborative of consumer assistance programs operated by community-based legal services organizations, which includes: BayArea Legal Aid, California Rural Legal Assistance, Central California Legal Services, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, Legal Aid…

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