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results in Health Care Reform.
  • Issue Brief: A Primer on Reference Pricing & VBID

    Cost sharing is too often a tool that prevents low-income individuals from being able to access quality and timely health care services. Health care experts, however, are exploring other mechanisms, such as Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) and its Reference Pricing ways to address shortcomings of cost sharing. VBID, at…

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  • The Data Project

    NHeLP's Reproductive Health Data and Insurance Accountability Project (the Data Project) and the Women's Law Project on October 3 published a guide on abortion coverage for low-income women, and physicians in Pennsylvania. The guide details the extent of Medicaid coverage of abortion care in the state, administered by Pennsylvania…

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  • 1332 Waiver

    Western Center on Law & Poverty, NHeLP and the Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County in a letter to the chair and board members of Covered California, the state's marketplace, provide comments on formulation of an innovation waiver that would allow more undocumented immigrants to purchase health insurance…

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  • Comments on the Draft 2017 Letter

    NHeLP provides comments on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) draft letter to issuers in the Federally Facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs). NHeLP provides comment on a number of matters including guidance and suggestions on standardized plan options, on network adequacy of Qualified Health Plans, Essential Community Providers, Discriminatory Benefit…

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  • Health Advocate: States Expand Coverage of Contraception

    States are taking the initiative to bolster federal health care policy intended to provide comprehensive contraceptive coverage, Staff Attorney Agata Pelka writes in the September Health Advocate. Pelka states, "Access to quality, comprehensive health care is critical for women to be equal, participating, and productive members of society." While…

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  • NHeLP Comments to PERM Regulations

    Leo Cuello

    In comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NHeLP Director of Health Policy Leonardo Cuello recommends that HHS should make the Payment Error Rate Measurement regulations consistent with the recently released Medicaid managed care regulations and use the Payment Error Rate Measurement process as a tool to promote…

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