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results in Health Care Reform.
  • NHeLP Comments Urge Senate to Safeguard Medicaid in Addressing Opioid Crisis

    The National Health Law Program in comments to the Senate Finance Committee urges lawmakers to support Medicaid and its funding structure in efforts to address the opioid epidemic, which "now kills more individuals than HIV/AIDs did at the height of that epidemic in the 1990s." The National Health Law…

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  • State Medicaid Buy-Ins: Implications for Low-Income Enrollees

    With the Trump administration and Republican-controlled Congress constantly looking for ways to undermine Medicaid and destroy Medicaid Expansion, several states have started to consider so-called "Medicaid buy-ins." NHeLP attorneys Jennifer Lav and Hector Hernandez-Delgado look at the various state Medicaid buy-in plans and caution, "Advocates should remain vigilant that…

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  • Fact Sheet: Mental Health Parity Compliance in Medicaid

    Abbi Coursolle and

    Federal laws enacted by Congress mandate that health insurers provide care and treatment of mental health conditions and substance use disorders on par with the treatment and services provided for other health care conditions. In this fact sheet. NHeLP Senior Attorneys Elizabeth Edwards and Abigail Coursolle explain how these…

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  • NHeLP Comments on HHS’ Draft Strategic Plan

    Elizabeth G. Taylor

    The U.S. Department of of Health and Human Services' "Draft Strategic Plan," falls far short of protecting the nation's most vulnerable populations, NHeLP states in extensive comments submitted to HHS about its plan. NHeLP's comments focus on how the HHS strategic plan would adversely affect low-income women's access to…

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  • The Death of the ACA’s Cost-Sharing Reductions

    The White House Office of the Press Secretary on Oct. 13 announced the administration's decision to cancel upcoming payments of cost-sharing reductions. Cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) reduce health insurance premiums, cost-sharing and co-pays for individuals under 250% FPL. CSRs, along with APTCs, are critical to afford their medically necessary health…

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  • Groups Urge Congress for Quick, Bipartisan Action on CHIP

    External Source

    More than 120 public interest groups are calling on Congress to take immediate, bipartisan action to enact a five-year funding extension for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Since its inception in 1997, CHIP, together with Medicaid, has helped to reduce the numbers of uninsured children by a remarkable…

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