Archive for 2018

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  • Make A Legacy Gift

    Fighting for a Future Where Every Person Has Health Care.  Support us with a legacy gift."As the Chair of the Board of Directors at NHeLP, I know more than most how important the mission of this organization is and the immense challenges we face to do this work. I also…

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  • Donate

    Thank you for supporting the National Health Law Program. You empower us in the fight to protect and advance health rights and access to equitable, quality health care for all.The National Health Law Program believes that health equity is achieved when a person’s characteristics and circumstances — including race…

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  • Join Us

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  • Civil Rights & Health Equity

    Pervasive Inequality in the Health Care System Sustains Discrimination and Poor Health OutcomesCivil RightsOur lawyers and policy analysts stand up for the civil rights of the millions of people who struggle to access affordable, quality health care. The National Health Law Program integrates civil rights into all of our…

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  • Sexual & Reproductive Health

    Building a future in which all people in the United States have equitable access to all reproductive and sexual health services, free from discrimination.All people—not just those who are wealthy, cisgender, heterosexual, without disabilities, and white—are entitled to comprehensive and quality reproductive and sexual health care, delivered with dignity.…

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