The Pump Handle: King v. Burwell: Supreme Court case could wreak havoc on working families, state governments and health providers

The Pump Handle: King v. Burwell: Supreme Court case could wreak havoc on working families, state governments and health providers

By Kim Krisberg

“Established by the state.” Those are the four words at the center of an upcoming Supreme Court case that could strip affordable health insurance coverage from millions of working families and result in billions of dollars in uncompensated care costs.

“The motivation is to undermine the ACA and the system that sets it up,” Sarah Somers, managing attorney at the North Carolina office of the National Health Law Program and an attorney with the Network for Public Health Law, told me. “This was a legal theory that was designed to bring this litigation. …It doesn’t make any sense that Congress would put that kind of poison pill in the legislation. Why would they do that?” Read the full article here. »

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