Reuters: Q&A with Leonardo Cuello: Do CMS waivers undermine Medicaid?

Reuters: Q&A with Leonardo Cuello: Do CMS waivers undermine Medicaid?

By Brendan Pierson

So far, 29 states have taken advantage of new federal funding offered by the Affordable Care Act to expand their Medicaid programs. But many of those states have asked for, and gotten, special exceptions from the usual requirements of the Medicaid law…The National Health Law Program, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, has spent the last year advocating against such waivers.

Leonardo Cuello, NHeLP’s director of health policy, spoke to Reuters about how he believes these waivers may be undermining the integrity of the Medicaid program in the long term, even if they mean expanded coverage in the short term. Questions and answers have been edited for length and clarity. Read the full article here. »

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