NPR: How Getting Married Affects Health Insurance Tax Credits

NPR: How Getting Married Affects Health Insurance Tax Credits

By Michelle Andrews

If you’re about to tie the knot, do you know how a change in marital status could affect the credit you got toward health insurance when you were single? You could end up having to repay a big chunk of the money. Here’s the question and an answer that lays out the way the IRS handles the situation.

In general, people who are living in the United States legally are subject to the health law requirement that they have health insurance. There are some exceptions for foreign nationals who are here only briefly, but as someone who is living and working here and has employer-sponsored health insurance you likely pass the IRS test for having a “substantial presence” in the U.S., says Sonal Ambegaokar, a senior attorney at the National Health Law Program, an advocacy group for low-income and underserved people. Read the full article here. »

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