Modern Healthcare: Supreme Court to hear arguments on whether providers can sue over Medicaid rates

Modern Healthcare: Supreme Court to hear arguments on whether providers can sue over Medicaid rates

By Lisa Schencker

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case Tuesday centering on the question of whether private healthcare providers may sue state Medicaid agencies over low reimbursement rates.

The NGA argued that giving courts the ability to decide such conflicts between state and federal law “is a recipe for increased federal-state conflict and for frustration of state attempts to achieve joint state-federal goals in new and creative ways.”

But Jane Perkins, legal director of the National Health Law Program, which also filed an amicus brief in the case, said that if the Supreme Court decides providers can’t sue state Medicaid agencies, providers will lose a key tool for ensuring adequate rates.

“We get calls from all over, and Idaho isn’t the only place where the rates paid for various home- and community-based services are being questioned,” she said. Read the full article here. »

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