NHeLP Celebrates Health Reform’s Third Birthday by Promoting Medicaid Expansion

NHeLP Celebrates Health Reform’s Third Birthday by Promoting Medicaid Expansion

March 22, 2013

WASHINGTON—As the Affordable Care Act (ACA) turns three on Saturday, the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) welcomes the anniversary by thanking the eight Republican governors who have embraced the law’s Medicaid expansion, and urging their colleagues to follow suit. Starting in 2014, states can expand their Medicaid programs to cover uninsured low-income adults.  

“The Medicaid expansion is a great deal for states and after full implementation of health reform, it will actually save the states an estimated $101 billion over five years,” said NHeLP executive director Emily Spitzer. 

“We want to thank the eight Republican governors—Arizona’s Jan Brewer, Florida’s Rick Scott, Michigan’s Rick Snyder, Nevada’s Brian Sandoval, New Jersey’s Chris Christie, New Mexico’s Susana Martinez and North Dakota’s Jack Dalrymple—who put people over politics and good policy over sound bites by embracing this historic and much needed expansion of this safety-net program,” Spitzer continued. 

Medicaid already provides essential health care to more than 52 million individuals who otherwise would have none, putting their health and economic security at risk.  An estimated 17 million more would receive coverage if every state adopts the Medicaid expansion. 

“States that expand Medicaid come out ahead on several fronts, including recouping millions they now spend compensating hospitals and providers for care they render the uninsured to the tune of an estimated $26-52 billion collectively,” Spitzer said.

“The Affordable Care Act is a monumental law that is improving the lives of millions,” Spitzer said. “We celebrate its third anniversary and will continue educating lawmakers on its many benefits and advocating that every state expand their Medicaid program.”

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