Health Advocates Cheer Moves By HHS to Strengthen Nondiscrimination Policies

Health Advocates Cheer Moves By HHS to Strengthen Nondiscrimination Policies

Washington, DC – The National Health Law Program welcomes recent moves by the Biden-Harris administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reinforce nondiscrimination protections at the department. In particular, NHeLP is encouraged that HHS is working diligently to roll back policies implemented by the Trump administration that allowed discrimination against minority faith traditions and the LGBTQ community by HHS grantees. This review of nondiscrimination policy follows a 2019 decision by the Trump administration to provide federal funding supporting children in foster care to an evangelical ministry in South Carolina that bars non-Christian and LGBTQ participants. 

Discrimination in any form is abhorrent and painful, especially in federally-funded programs

“Discrimination in any form is abhorrent and painful, especially in federally-funded programs,” said Wayne Turner, senior attorney at the National Health Law Program. “We welcome this important step and look forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration in its efforts to end discrimination full stop.”

As longtime advocates for the health rights of low-income and underserved communities, the National Health Law Program looks forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration to strengthen nondiscrimination policies and help ensure that all people have access to the care and services they need, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, immigration status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, income, class, disability, health, religion, or geographic location.

Read the press statement from HHS here.

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