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results in Reproductive Health.
  • Sexuality Education in Health Care Delivery for Medicaid and CHIP-Eligible Youth

    Jamille Fields

    This issue brief discusses the health education component of the EPSDT medical screens required for Medicaid and some CHIP-eligible youth, focusing on sexuality education. As discussed within the brief, the medical screening that youth receive has not sufficiently included sexuality education. This issue brief includes recommendations to ensure that…

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  • Lessons from CA: Pregnant Women’s Coverage Options

    The ACA made many positive changes in health coverage for pregnant women. Many women now qualify for both pregnancy-related Medicaid and financial assistance in the Marketplace. In this month's, Lessons from California, we highlight how NHeLP worked with California advocates to provide comprehensive Medi-Cal coverage for pregnant women, including…

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  • NHeLP Amicus Brief in Priests For Life v. Sebelius

    The ACA recognizes that preventive health services are critical to individual and community health. It accordingly requires new group health plans and health insurance issuers to cover such additional women's preventive health care services as provided for in guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2)…

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  • NHeLP Amicus Brief in Reaching Souls v. Sebelius

    The ACA recognizes that preventive health services are critical to individual and community health. It accordingly requires new group health plans and health insurance issuers to cover such additional women's preventive health care services as provided for in guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2)…

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  • NHeLP Comments to Health Indiana 1115 Demonstrations

    These NHeLP comments to the State of Indiana address numerous legal problems with the states two proposed section 1115 demonstrations, one to expand Medicaid and one to renewal the current 1115 if the Medicaid expansion is denied. NHeLP comments identify problems such as illegal premiums, cost-sharing, and restrictions on…

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  • Background on Upcoming Supreme Court Decision-ACA’s Contraceptive Coverage

    The current round of Affordable Care Act litigation is dominated by cases challenging a requirement that most new health plans cover contraception without cost-sharing. A decision by the Supreme Court on cases by two for-profit challengers, Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp and Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. is imminent. This pre-decision…

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