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results in Medicaid.
  • Children of the Opioid Crisis

    The opioid crisis has caused an influx of children in the foster care system, and proposals in Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and drastically cut federal Medicaid funding threaten the care of the these children, "the hidden victims of the opioid crisis," writes Senior Attorney Jennifer Lav in…

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  • Protect Medi-Cal Funding, Substance and Use Disorders

    California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, is vital to ensuring that "individuals with opioid use disorders (OUD) have access to to evidence-based, life-saving prevention and treatment services," NHeLP Staff Attorney Héctor Hernández-Delgado  writes in the tenth Issue Brief of a 12-part "Protect Medi-Cal Funding," series. Hernández-Delgado details how the Senate bill…

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  • NHeLP Comments on Wisconsin’s Request to Amend its Sec. 1115 Waiver Project

    In comments to the U.S. Department of of Health and Human Services, NHeLP urges the department to reject Wisconsin's proposal to amend its Sec. 1115 "BadgerCare" demonstration project. The state's amended application process is flawed in process and substance. On substance NHeLP warns HHS that Wisconsin's request to condition…

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  • Protect Medi-Cal Funding, Access to Providers

    Senate Republicans' effort to radically slash federal Medicaid funding would threaten the ability of California's Medicaid program, Medi-Cal, to ensure robust health care providers' participation in Medi-Cal writes Senior Attorney Abbi Coursolle in the ninth Issue Brief of a 12-part "Protect Medi-Cal Funding," series. "In trying to make up for…

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  • NHeLP Comments on Kentucky’s Sec. 1115 Waiver Proposal

    In comments to the U.S. Department of of Health and Human Services, NHeLP urges the HHS Secretary to reject Kentucky's proposed "HEALTH Program (KHP)," waiver. Kentucky's proposed waiver, which includes premiums, waiting periods and lockouts, and work service requirements, would apply to current beneficiaries, likely harming their coverage. The…

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  • Webinar: Section 1115 Demonstration Waivers

    As part of the NHeLP's "Protect Medicaid Webinar Series," Legal Director Jane Perkins and Cindy Mann, former director of the Center of Medicaid and CHIP Services at CMS, and now partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, explored the scope of the Section 1115 demonstration waivers in Medicaid.

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