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results in Medicaid.
  • Tennessee Justice Center – Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children

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    Medicaid Expansion is Good for Children    The new health care law expands the Medicaid program to provide healthcare for millions of uninsured individuals,  primarily parents and low-income adults. The Supreme Court ruled in June that states can choose whether or not to  accept the Medicaid…

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  • Medicaid Expansion Would Help Missouri’s Homeless

    Medicaid Expansion Would Help Missouri?s HomelessThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) expands the Medicaid program to provide health care for millions of uninsured individuals, mainly low-income adults.  In June, the Supreme Court ruled that states can choose whether to expand their Medicaid programs. If Missouri chooses to expand its Medicaid…

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  • Missouri Hospital Cost-Shift Report

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    Key Findings   Cost shifting imposes a significant ?hidden health care tax? on privately insured Missourians. Medical care provided with reduced or no compensation is a significant driver of cost shifting. Cost shifting occurs when health care providers are reimbursed at a higher rate for…

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  • Call Center Perform Stds

    The principles and performance standards described in this report were developed to ensure those who telephone Exchange Call Centers, whether at the FFE or state Exchanges, have a consumer-friendly, successful experience applying for coverage over the telephone. These suggested principles and standards are not intended to be all-inclusive, and…

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  • Florida Legal Services Medicaid Expansion

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    WHITE PAPER: MEDICAID EXPANSIONI. SUMMARY The Florida Legislature has a historical opportunity to extend health care coverage to approximately one million low-income, working Floridians who currently have no prospect of obtaining affordable coverage. Not only will expanding Medicaid have a positive impact on the lives and health of our fellow citizens, it will…

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  • NHeLP’s Top 5 Ways Health Reform Helps Series

    Erin Armstrong, Leo Cuello, and Deborah Reid

    5 Ways Health Reform Helps Medicaid Beneficiaries 1. ALREADY IN PLACE: Protection for Medicaid enrollees The ACA included a ?Maintenance of Effort? provision prohibiting states from cutting eligibility for adults until 2014 and children until 2019. If states do not comply, they can be sanctioned and lose all federal Medicaid…

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