The National Health Law Program is currently tracking federal bills related to doula care and coverage. We have compiled our information into the chart below, which we hope will be a helpful resource for doulas, advocates, researchers, legislators, and other stakeholders working on this issue. We are doing our best to update this chart on a regular basis. If you have any corrections, comments, or questions about this chart, please contact NHeLP Policy Fellow Michelle Yiu at [email protected].
Green = Actively reimbursing doula services on Medicaid plans
Yellow = In the process of implementing Medicaid doula benefits
Blue = Action taken that is adjacent to Medicaid doula benefits (e.g., pilot program, doula registry)
Purple = Action proposed but no progress
Green = Actively reimbursing doula services on Medicaid plans
Yellow = In the process of implementing Medicaid doula benefits
Blue = Action taken that is adjacent to Medicaid doula benefits (e.g., pilot program, doula registry)
Purple = Action proposed but no progress