Federal and State Court Cases Archive

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results in Federal and State Court Cases.
  • Amicus: Talevski v. Health and Hosp. Corp. of Marion Cty., U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

    Litigation Team

    The National Health Law Program and 11 other organizations filed this brief in the 7th Circuit in support of the Mr. Talevski, who is alleging the improper chemical restraint and discharge from a state-operated, Medicaid-funded nursing facility. Mr. Talevski’s family filed a lawsuit to enforce his rights under the…

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  • Doe v. Snyder, Ninth Circuit

    Litigation Team

    Two transgender young people enrolled in Medicaid filed a class action lawsuit challenging an Arizona regulation that prohibits coverage of medically necessary gender-confirming surgery. The plaintiffs allege that the discriminatory coverage exclusion violates: (1) the EPSDT requirements in the Medicaid Act; (2) the comparability requirement in the Medicaid Act;…

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  • Amicus: State of Washington v. U.S. Dep’t Health & Human Servs., Western District of Washington

    Litigation Team

    The National Health Law Program filed this brief, signed by 11 other organizations in support of the State of Washington’s efforts to enjoin the Administration’s changes to the rules for the ACA’s non-discrimination provision, Section 1557. The 2020 Revised Rule regarding section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable…

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  • K.B. v. Michigan D.H.H.S., Eastern District of Michigan

    A class of Medicaid-eligible children with intensive mental health care needs who are at risk of avoidable psychiatric hospitalizations or commitment to the juvenile delinquency system sued the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for failing to provide needed mental health services in the community as required by…

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  • Schwartz v. Cal DHCS, Superior Court of California

    Abbi Coursolle and

    An adult California Medicaid (Medi-Cal) beneficiary is challenging the California Department of Health Care Services and her county Mental Health Plan after she experienced a mental health crisis and was turned away from evaluation and subsequent treatment without appropriate notice. The Plaintiff alleges that she was denied medically necessary…

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  • A.A. v. Gee, Middle District of Louisiana

    Litigation Team

    Medicaid eligible children who require intensive home and community-based mental health services challenged Louisiana’s failure to arrange for or provide those medically necessary services. The failure to provide these services has forced thousands of Louisiana children to unnecessarily cycle in and out of hospitals and psychiatric facilities far away…

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