Administrative Procedure Act Archive

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results in Administrative Procedure Act.
  • La Clinica De La Raza et al v. Trump, Northern District of California

    Litigation Team

    Nonprofits serving immigrant communities filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s “public charge” regulation. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, individuals seeking admission to the U.S. or seeking to adjust their status to lawful permanent residence may be denied if they are "likely at any time to become a…

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  • Philbrick v. Becerra, D.D.C., D.C. Circuit, and Supreme Court

    Litigation Team

    Four low-income individuals from New Hampshire enrolled in Medicaid filed a class action lawsuit against the Trump administration challenging its approval of New Hampshire’s Medicaid waiver project, which includes an illegal work requirement and cuts to services, such as retroactive coverage. Partners: New Hampshire Legal Assistance, National Center for…

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  • Gresham v. Becerra, D.D.C., D.C. Circuit and, Supreme Court

    Litigation Team

    Arkansas residents enrolled in Medicaid filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration challenging its approval of a Section 1115 waiver which would allow Arkansas to impose onerous conditions on eligibility, including work requirements, and eliminate retroactive coverage. These changes will terminate Medicaid coverage of tens of thousands of low-income…

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  • Stewart v. Azar, D.D.C. and D.C. Circuit

    Litigation Team and

    Sixteen Kentuckians enrolled in Medicaid filed a class action lawsuit against the Trump administration challenging its approval of a section 1115 waiver, which would allow sweeping changes to Kentucky’s Medicaid program, including work requirements, premiums, lockouts, and other changes, that will terminate Medicaid coverage of tens of thousands of…

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  • Newton-Nations v. Betlach & Sebelius, District of Arizona and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

    Litigation Team and

    Medicaid beneficiaries in Arizona challenged Arizona’s decision to impose expensive copayments that exceeded the limits set out in federal law, creating barriers to beneficiaries’ access to services. Plaintiffs also challenged the United States Department of Health and Human Services approval of those copayments through the federal Section 1115 authority.…

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