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  • The New York Times: Obama Administration to Investigate Insurers for Bias Against Costly Conditions

    By Robert PearWASHINGTON—The Obama administration said Monday that it would investigate prescription drug coverage and other benefits offered by health insurance companies to see if they discriminated against people with AIDS, mental illness, diabetes or other costly chronic conditions.The administration said it had become aware of "discriminatory benefit designs"…

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  • Kaiser Health News: Doctors face big cuts in Medicaid pay

    By Phil GalewitzAndy Pasternak, a family doctor in Reno, saw more than 100 new Medicaid patients last year after the state expanded the insurance program for the poor under the Affordable Care Act...."The Medicaid pay boost was never meant to be a silver bullet," said Leonardo Cuello, director of…

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  • Think Progress: Inside The Highly Sophisticated Group That’s Quietly Making It Much Harder To Get An Abortion

    By Erica HellersteinOn a mild afternoon last April, Randy Grau, a Republican representative from Edmond Oklahoma, took to the state House to argue in favor of Senate Bill 1848. The bill, later signed into law, regulates standards for abortion centers and requires abortion providers to obtain nearby hospital admitting privileges.…

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  • California Healthline: Autism Treatment Concerns Raised

    By David GornState health officials this week said 105 children have received autism therapy since the Medi-Cal benefit was officially launched Sept. 15. Officials said the state would require a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation before those services would be covered....Children with autism spectrum disorder can't wait that long, said Abbi…

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  • Roll Call: Supreme Court Pits People v. Politics Again | Commentary

    By Elizabeth G. TaylorPolitical games are de rigueur in Washington and the Supreme Court is no exception. With its grant of review in King v. Burwell, the nation's highest court has set the stage for yet another Affordable Care Act showdown.King is different from the hundreds of cases challenging…

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  • U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch Nominated to be Attorney General

    WASHINGTON—The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) welcomed President Barack Obama's announcement today of his intent to nominate Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. "We are delighted and congratulate Loretta on her nomination," said Elizabeth G. Taylor, NHeLP executive director. "Loretta is a strong leader and outstanding attorney with a wealth of…

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