A.M.P. NHeLP Campaign
Message from Our Executive Director
Thank you for being part of the A.M.P. NHeLP campaign!
Now let me tell you what this is about.
April is Medicaid Awareness Month. That means it’s also a month to increase awareness about the National Health Law Program (NHeLP), because our history, our vision and our work are inextricably intertwined with those of the Medicaid program.
For more than fifty years, NHeLP has devoted our resources to enforcing and improving Medicaid, because Medicaid is and always has been a program aimed at equity – at giving low-income and underserved people, those with the fewest resources and the least political clout, access to the health care services they need to achieve their highest attainable standard of health. Medicaid is a unique program and NHeLP is unique in the depth of our Medicaid expertise and the breadth of the tools we use to make the promise of Medicaid a reality.
The A.M.P. NHeLP campaign is designed to raise awareness of Medicaid’s role in providing health care coverage to many in our country and of NHeLP’s role in protecting and expanding the program. With your help, we will amplify these messages – that Medicaid is essential to the health of our country and NHeLP is essential to the health of Medicaid.
Thank you for helping to “A.M.P.” — Advance. Magnify. Propel. — NHeLP and Medicaid Awareness.
Elizabeth G. Taylor
Executive Director, National Health Law Program
Learn more about NHeLP’s Executive Director

Elizabeth G. Taylor
Executive Director
Elizabeth G. Taylor is the Executive Director of the National Health Law Program. Based in the National Health Law…